Craft your very own genuine Shofar from the raw horn of a ram while you gain insight into the significance of the Shofar in the celebration of Rosh Hashana. See and hear a demonstration of the traditional blasts from a variety of wild horns. Acquire the skills of blowing Shofar.
Create and take home a perfectly arranged lulav and etrog set while you learn the laws, customs, meaning and significance of the 4 species, making Sukkot more meaningful.
Become a modern day Maccabee! Refine the olive oil needed for the Temple Menorah as they did way back then by pressings olives the ancient way! Fashion a wick out of cotton for use with the oil when lighting the Menorah; Bring home a sample of the oil.
Dig into the dough, make Passover meaningful. Prepare real matzah from start to finish! Grind wheat kernels to make your own flour and dough to knead, roll, and bake into a handmade matzah in the required amount of time; Delight in taking home your very own freshly-baked matzah, a baker's hat, and a Shmurah Matzah for their family Seder table.
Scrolls abound! It's an extraordinarily complex process to create a Torah. Gain an appreciation of the skills required for this intricate task; Learn the process starting with the raw hide. Write your Jewish name with a real quill dipped into ink, on parchment in a Sofer's script. Leave an enthusiast scribe!
The Havdalah ceremony comes to life! Touch, smell and discuss the ritual objects used. Create a beautiful Havdalah candle from braided wax sticks or craft them from start with liquid hot wax; Make a fragrance holder; Learn how to lead the Havdalah service; Receive a full-color laminated Havdalah card to complete the kit.
Aided by diagrams of home entrances and doorways, and with an assortment of Mezuzah scrolls and beautiful covers discover the laws and customs pertaining to the Mezuzah scroll, its cover and placement. Gain insight into the layout and design of the scroll as well as examine Mezuzot in varied styles, sizes and conditions. Consummate with creating a beautiful take-home Mezuzah cover with your own original design.
Learn the formula to tie and knot Tzitzit, which you take home or give to a Jew in need. A display of a variety of Tallit/Tzitzit styles and sizes captivates one's attention. Explore the process of Tallit-making and the origins of the different styles and colors.
Knot Your Average Mitzvah Workshop!
We tie Tzitzit on the 4 corners of a dri-fit, army-green Tshirt, and send the Tzitzit to Israel to PROTECT our holy ISRAELI soldiers!
Learn how to and braid a challah bread! Followed by wood burning a Shabbat message onto your very own Challah board and decorating a cloth Challah cover. Enjoy bringing home homemade challah, board and cover to enhance the Shabbat table, week to week!
Join Rabbi Chayim for an energetic, interactive sing-along! For over 30 years, Rabbi Chayim has been leading pre-Shabbat sing-alongs with preschoolers, becoming their "rockstar." Kids sing, dance, and have fun with live guitar and sound system. Schools/ organizations can book Rabbi Chayim for weekly, monthly, or special Holidays and event sing-alongs that leave students excited and connected to Jewish traditions.