Dear Rabbi,
I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude for today's meaningful and experiential Matzah Bakery. The fourth graders thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained valuable insights from it. Your interactive workshop and excellent teaching skills undoubtedly enriched the students' understanding of Pesach.
Moreover, beyond its significance for Pesach, we found additional value in your workshop. As part of our Integrated Project-Based Learning program, we recently taught the students about the significance of Brachot. We emphasized that when we recite "Hamotzi Lechem Min Haaretz," we aren't merely expressing gratitude for the bread they're consuming, but rather for the entire process—from the seed in the field (Haaretz) to the moment of consumption (Lechem)—guided by the help of G-d. Your workshop beautifully illustrated this concept.
Many of our urban students lack an understanding of the intricate processes involved in food production, particularly the efforts of farmers. Your workshop bridged this gap admirably, helping them comprehend and appreciate it.
Your cutting-edge and fun programs exemplify the art of infusing Judaism with enjoyment. By fostering an atmosphere of fun, you contribute significantly to the cultivation of a strong Jewish identity, a core objective we strive to achieve.
Thank you so much!
Warm regards,
Leah Spector, Principal
The Mandel JCC was so happy to host Rabbi Chayim for the Matzah Baking Workshop! The program was engaging to a variety of ages, and accessible to our Jewish families of all religious backgrounds. The children were engaged every step of the way, and even the parents had a fun time. We loved the adorable “photo ops” of our kids dressed up in aprons and chef’s hats, and it was a cool new activity to separate the wheat berries and grind the flour ourselves. This hands on experience is unlike anything our organization would have been able to offer without his expertise. We look forward to hosting Rabbi Chayim in the future for more Mitzvah Workshops!
Sarah Jaffe Kasdan
Director of Jewish Life and Culture
Mandel JCC of Cleveland
An alumnus of our school, Rabbi Chayim B. Alevsky returns to Jewish day schools, no longer as a student but as a well- received presenter and contributor. He brings with him his unique passion and spirit thereby fostering an appreciation for our glorious heritage. Through project based learning and hands on experiences, the Mitzvah Workshops foster and strengthen Jewish identity and continuity. From creating shofars for Rosh Hashanah to making olive oil for Chanukah to baking matzah for Pesach to creating tzitzis for soldiers, the workshop experience captures attentions, ignites the hearts and minds of our youth, and gifts them with an incredibly meaningful experience.
Rabbi Simcha Dessler
Menahel / Educational Director
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
The Living Legacy Mitzvah Workshops through Chabad have excelled in providing rich hands-on experiences, helping our students learn about Jewish holidays and mitzvot in engaging and unique ways. From making their own Shofar for Rosh Hashana to preparing their own Matzah in preparation for Passover, creating their own Havdalah candles to trying their hand as a Torah scribe for the day and more, these positive experiences instill in our students both deep knowledge of our traditions and great pride in being a part of the Jewish people.
Rabbi Josh Foster, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation
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